What Your Cat’s Body Language Is Telling You
Your cat might not speak the same language you do, but don’t worry — he/she has plenty to say. Paying attention to cat body language will let you know what’s going on in and allow you to communicate back so your cat can stay happy and healthy. Below are four common signs messages your cat expresses daily.
Why do cats roll over?
Sometimes a cat will roll over onto its back exposing its belly. This is often seen as a sign of affection and trust. But what does it really mean? This depends on your cat and his mood, but most cats roll over when they’re feeling unthreatened.
Why does my cat knead me?
Kneading is a sign of contentment. Cats knead soft materials (like clothing or your skin) with their paws to create a sense of security. It’s also possible that kneading could have an instinctual basis. Some experts believe cats are attracted to the warmth created when they work their paws.
Why does my cat purr?
When your cat purrs, he’s not only trying to build positive energy between you and him—he’s also helping keep his body physically healthy. The act of purring opens up your cat’s chest cavity, which expands his lungs and exposes his diaphragm (the muscle that aids in breathing). Purring also pumps blood through the heart and into the vessels that supply blood to all parts of your cat’s body.
Why does my cat rub against me?
When a cat rubs its head, ears, or entire body against you—or even another cat—it’s called bunting. The behavior can mean different things depending on whether the cat is exhibiting this behavior towards other cats or toward humans. For example, when it’s directed at another cat, bunting is often about marking territory or showing dominance. When it’s directed at humans, however, bunnings are usually affectionate gestures meant to make you feel good by reinforcing your bond with your pet.
We Hope You’ve Discovered More About Cat Body Language!
What kind of cat body language does your cat use to communicate with you?
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